Dan Ingram Dies At 83

• Legendary New York radio personality Dan Ingram, best known and loved for his two-decade run at the equally iconic MusicRadio 77 WABC/New York, has died — the news was initially reported by Allan Sniffen, the longtime curator of the New York Radio Message Board site, musicradio77.com. As you might expect, the board is rapidly filling up with messages from personalities from across the country who, like us, grew up idolizing Ingram on WABC.

Sniffen posted, “This is the hardest post I have ever made to the NYRMB. Dan Ingram passed away in Florida this evening [Sunday, June 24, 2018] at the age of 83. He had numerous neurological problems over the last few years and his death was a consequence of choking. According to his son Chris, he did not suffer.

I am so sad I cannot even express how I feel. Big Dan meant so much to me. He was my idol as a child and I revered him as an adult. To say he was the greatest Top 40 radio personality of all time only begins to describe him.

I know how you feel. All of you. A world with Big Dan is unimaginable. I’m struggling…

I expect we’ll be overwhelmed with comments and posts. I’ve set up a special board. It’s linked below. Use it instead of the NYRMB both because of the quantity of what I expect will come and because it will become a permanent archive to this site.

Tomorrow is a new day for me. A day where there is no Big Dan Ingram. 🙁 🙁 :(“

Dan Ingram Dies At 83