Cumulus Joins Feeding America Radiothon

• Cumulus Media is joining forces with the growing Radio Cares Campaign for the April 30th Feeding America Emergency Radiothon, which will drive funds to Feeding America and its 200 local member food banks. All available Cumulus stations will air localized versions of the Feeding America Emergency Radiothon on Thursday, April 30, along with broadcast partners including Adams Radio Group, hundreds of other independent radio stations, networks and product providers serving the radio industry. Cumulus Media’s Westwood One will also air promos and support the event. The addition of Cumulus to the campaign brings the total reach of stations airing the Radiothon to over 6,000. All funds driven by the Radiothon will go to Feeding America’s COVID-19 Response Fund.

Brian Philips, EVP, Content & Audience, Cumulus Media, said, “U.N. experts foresee a second pandemic on track to follow COVID 19 — a global hunger pandemic. U.S. food banks, which are always over-taxed, are reporting a DOUBLING of need among American families in the last month. Cumulus Media happy to join with other radio stations and groups to support the Feeding America Emergency Radiothon next Thursday.”

Ron Stone, CEO of Adams Radio Group and the spokesman for the Radio Cares Campaign, added, “We are thrilled that Cumulus Media has joined with us to bring the reach of their 424 great radio stations and Westwood One to this urgent fundraising initiative. The Feeding America Emergency Radiothon is critical to so many people feeling the impact of this hunger crisis, a crisis so many have never experienced before. Together, we will use the power of radio to help local food banks meet the heightened demands created by COVID-19.”

• Stone also announced that Motor Racing Network has offered inventory across its networks and programs to support the Feeding America Radiothon, and Vipology, the industry leader in website, phone app and Alexa Skills development [Ed. note: and the creator of] will create the host site for, which will be the home of the 501.3.c being launched to support what will no doubt become an annual radio event to fight hunger.

The Feeding America Emergency Radiothon is open to all radio stations wishing to participate. All related imaging and branding, including audio promos, sweepers, liner copy, :15, :30 and :60 spots, and a web banner for station websites will be provided by Benztown, and hosted by Vipology. To donate to Feeding America’s COVID-19 Response Fund, visit

Cumulus Joins Feeding America Radiothon