Gracie Awards Opens Call For Entries

• The Gracie Awards, presented by the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation (AWMF), is proud to open the call for entries for the 47th Annual Gracie Awards. AWMF is also pleased to announce Crown Media as a Diamond Sponsors of the 2022 Gracies.

“The Gracie Awards celebrate and honor truly exceptional content by, for and about women. We know the circumstances of this year made production much more difficult, which is why we are more committed that ever to honor the remarkable work by so many in our creative community,” says Becky Brooks, AWMF President. Heather Cohen, Chair of the Board for the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation, commented, “As our most important fundraiser of the year, the Gracies enables the Alliance for Women in Media Foundation to deliver on its promise of further the connection, education and recognition of women in media, even during difficult times.”

Serving again as Chairs for the 2022 Gracie Awards are the aforementioned Heather Cohen, EVP of The Weiss Agency and AWM/F Board member; Annie Howell, Chief Communications Officer, Crown Media Family Networks and AWM/F Board member; and Mike McVay, President of McVay Media. Vicangelo Bulluck, who has produced the Gracie Awards since 2016 will return to produce the 2022 Gracie Awards.

The 2022 Gracie Awards entry eligibility air dates are from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Early Bird rates for entries end at 11:59pm ET on December 16, 2021. The deadline for all entries is 11:59pm ET on January 20, 2022. Entry details, including pricing, updated categories can be viewed at

Gracie Awards Opens Call For Entries