Moradi On The Move

• Industry executive Chris Moradi announced his departure as SVP of Promotion and Licensing with Hallwood Media and the launch of a new venture. As Moradi explains to RAMP, “I am creating a space where I can help independent artists and management companies reach editors across DSPs and run radio campaigns is really the goal.”

Moradi joined Hallwood in January 2022, coming off a 22-year run at Interscope Geffen A&M.

“With the continuing attrition at major labels, artist development is increasingly happening on the management and independent label level,” Moradi remarked. “So many great artists and management teams need the assistance with DSPs playlisting support, managing radio campaigns, video promotion and sync placements. Getting an artist to 50 MPH is not only needed to get the attention of majors for label deals, but also for lucrative publishing deals, PRO advances and tour marketing for ticketing, and merchandise sales.”

In closing, Moradi said, “While I’ll work with Hallwood on select projects, I’m free to assist other firms like Shelter Music Group, 724 management, Broke, Create Music Group and others with their priorities as well.” Going forward, Moradi can be contacted at or 310-508-8340.

Moradi On The Move