More Fallout From Atlantic Music Group Cuts

• In the wake of last week’s “bloodbath” inside Atlantic Music Group that eliminated nearly 200 people, the names of more downsized executives have come to light, including that of Aimie Vaughn-Früehe (3EE EVP/Head of Promotion & Streaming). Vaughn-Früehe joined 300 in July 2018 as SVP of Promotion, coming off a 17-year run with Columbia Records, where she rose to VP of Promotion. Other casualties include Katie Robinson, Head of Marketing, Elektra Entertainment; Chris Brown, EVP, Elektra & Co-Head, Roadrunner Records.

We understand that the Atlantic promotion department has also been seriously gutted, as evidenced by the exit of longtime label mainstays Brian Corona and Phil Kaso, as well as SVP of Promotion Deb Urbont, a 20-year Atlantic veteran, whose name we published last Friday. That being said, it appears that 300 Elektra/Atlantic has only six people left in Promotion: John McMann, Tim Dalbec, & Greg Dorfman; local reps Sammy Yaz and Mark Chotiner, and assistant Noah Caruso.

RAMP also hears that the Touring & Artist Development departments at both Atlantic Records and Elektra have been disbanded.

We have a growing list of other names of possibly displaced employees that need to be confirmed and approved before we make them public.

If you or a colleague has been similarly affected by these significant cuts and would like your information shared with future employers, please email

• On a semi-related note, RAMP has also confirmed that promotion veteran Lynn McDonnell has exited PlayMPE as of Sept. 20. McDonnell joined the company in January, following a stint as Triple A Radio Editor at All Access until it shuttered last August. McDonnell earlier served as VP of Rock Formats at Epic Records and spent eight years with Reprise Records. She says she is “open to everything and attached to nothing for my next adventure,” and can be contacted at 818-257-0634 or

McDonnell’s exit follows that of Allan Benedict in June. He can be reached at 313-559-3237 or

More Fallout From Atlantic Music Group Cuts