Moneyball: Essential Things to Know About Heavy Podcast Listeners

It’s Mike O’Connor, NuVoodoo EVP Marketing Strategy, at the keyboard for this week’s Moneyball for Radio. 

Part 1: Decoding the “Podcast Heavy”: A Deep Dive into Their World

In the ever-evolving world of audio, podcasts have carved out a significant space for themselves. But who are these avid listeners who spend hours each week immersed in podcasts? Our latest NuVoodoo study, fielded in the 3rd quarter of 2024 with 3,188 respondents ages 14 to 64 nationwide, provides key insights into this valuable audience.

This is the first in a three-part series exploring the world of “podcast heavies” – those who listen to podcasts for 10 or more hours per week. In this series, we’ll uncover their unique characteristics, media consumption habits, and receptiveness to advertising and activation tactics. This information will be invaluable to podcasters seeking to expand their reach and brands looking to leverage podcast advertising as part of a broader media mix.

In this first part, we’ll focus on defining who these “podcast heavies” are, delving into their demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, as well as their diverse media consumption habits.

Who are these “Podcast Heavies?”

Before we dive into their media consumption and advertising habits, let’s paint a picture of the typical heavy podcast listener:

> Millennial-Centric: Millennials (ages 27-42) make up the largest portion of heavy podcast listeners (46%), followed by Gen Z (24%) and Gen X (23%). There are also a few young boomers in the mix (7%) up to our cut-off of age 65.

> Male-Skewing: The majority of heavy podcast listeners are male (59%), with females making up 41% of this group.

> Household Composition: While 31% live alone, a significant portion (48%) reside in households with three or more people, and 44% live in households with at least one child under 19.

> Income and Financial Concerns: The majority (61%) of heavy podcast listeners earn $75,000 or less annually. It’s important to note that many are facing financial pressures, with 51% reporting higher credit card debt this year. This financial context is likely influencing their consumer behavior, as evidenced by 58% cutting back on discretionary spending and 56% switching from brand-name products to store/generic brands.

> Upscale Segment: However, there’s also a significant portion (37%) who report earning more than $75,000 annually, indicating income diversity within this group. Furthermore, better than 2 in 3 of those earning more than $75,000 are significant earners of $125,000 or more. This upscale segment, especially given our advertiser-demographic-focused younger skewing sample, presents a valuable opportunity for marketers seeking to reach a higher-income demographic.

> Political Ideology: “Podcast heavies” represent a range of political viewpoints. While a plurality (42%) identify as moderate, there’s a notable presence of both liberal (24% somewhat or very liberal) and conservative (33% somewhat or very conservative) listeners. This diversity of perspectives highlights the broad appeal of podcast content and its ability to reach a wide audience.

Media Consumption Beyond Podcasts: A Multi-Platform Audience

Heavy podcast users aren’t just glued to their podcast apps. They’re active across a diverse range of media platforms, making them a truly multi-platform audience. Our study reveals that:

  • Audio Consumption:

> 76% engage with music streaming apps like Spotify and Apple Music at least once a week.

> 66% listen to podcasts every day of the week (this includes those who use YouTube as their platform).

> 58% tune in to FM or AM radio stations for music daily.

> 45% listen to talk shows on FM or AM radio stations daily.

  • Video and Social Engagement:

> 66% spend more than 4 hours per week watching OTT platforms like Netflix and Hulu.

> Notably, 66% also spend more than 4 hours per week on YouTube, suggesting a significant overlap with those who listen to podcasts daily.

> 71% spend more than 4 hours per week on social media platforms.

Key takeaway for podcasters: This audience is actively consuming audio and video content across many platforms, providing ample opportunities for cross-promotion and discovery. Consider promoting your podcast on social media, collaborating with other podcasters or radio shows, and exploring partnerships with music streaming services. Incorporating video and social media elements into your podcasting strategy can further enhance engagement and reach.

Key takeaway for brands: Reaching “podcast heavies” requires a multi-platform strategy. Don’t limit your advertising efforts to just podcasts. Explore opportunities on radio, music streaming apps, OTT platforms, YouTube, and social media to effectively reach and engage this audience. Tailor your creative and messaging to resonate with their interests and preferences across these diverse platforms.

Heavy podcast listeners are a diverse and engaged audience with a strong presence across various media platforms. Understanding their demographic, socioeconomic, and media consumption habits is crucial for podcasters and brands seeking to connect with this valuable group.

Coming up in Part 2: We’ll delve into the advertising landscape, exploring where “podcast heavies” encounter and engage with ads, which platforms capture their attention, and what drives them to take action. Stay tuned!

NuVoodoo conducts research and marketing for podcasters, broadcasters, consumer brands, and B2B brands. You can see more study data at or by getting in touch at We’d love to help.

Moneyball: Essential Things to Know About Heavy Podcast Listeners