Taylor Seeking Swift Justice

Taylor Swift‘s mother Andrea Swift took the stand yesterday in the latest “trial of the century” that has captured the attention of the nation — at issue here is the allegation that former KYGO/Denver morning personality David “Jackson” Mueller inappropriately grabbed Swift’s butt during a June 2, 2013 meet-and-greet, a controversial situation that lead to Mueller’s termination. He has not worked in radio since then, and subsequently filed a $3 million suit against Swift for damages and lost wages. Ms. Swift counter-sued, and according to published reports, is only seeking $1 as a settlement on principle — because she believes what Mueller did constitutes assault.

In one exchange from Mrs. Swift’s Wednesday testimony, which was live-blogged on the website of the local ABC affiliate, she addressed that now-infamous image of Mueller, his then-girlfriend and Swift that appears to show Mueller’s right hand behind Swift — and much lower than her waist. “The second I saw it, I knew there was something going horribly wrong in that picture,” Andrea Swift said. How did she know, Swift’s attorney J. Douglas Baldridge, asked. “Because of her body, and the look in her eyes,” Swift said. “I know those eyes better than anybody. I can tell by the way she’s pulling over… because she’s literally pulling away from him as far as she can. There’s something going on in her eyes… I just looked at it and I was sickened.”

Earlier in the day, Baldridge got Mueller to admit that he didn’t know where his hand was when the photo was taken. Mueller says he was looking ahead at the camera the entire time while he and Swift were “jostling” arms. “I know I touched her rib cage … I know [my hand] went behind her,” Mueller said. “If anyone touched her rear, she’d have a right to not like that.”

As Mrs. Swift’s testimony was wrapping late yesterday, Baldridge dramatically asked her, “Who assaulted your daughter on June 2, 2013?” She replied, “David Mueller did.” Baldridge thanked her as the trial went to break. Taylor Swift is expected to take the stand as soon as today.

Taylor Seeking Swift Justice