Charleston Opportunity Still Beckons
• Saga’s Charleston Radio Group is still looking for a great PD for Adult Hits WAVF (101-7 Chuck-FM)/Charleston, SC, which means (and apologies in advance to U2), they still haven’t found what they’re looking for.
If you are a super creative programmer and brand manager who knows exactly what it means by “courting listeners and capturing their hearts,” then show us. Do you know how to write truly great imaging that makes strong brand promises and creates and addictive experience? Do you understand social media and the importance of using both the microphone and the keyboard? Do you still love and want to be on air?
If you use both the left and right side of your brain, then come do it with us and live in one of America’s most beautiful and fastest growing cities. Tell us what sets you apart from all the others and email your materials (aircheck, resume, cover letter, etc.) to Saga VP of Programming Bob Lawrence at Saga Communications is an EOE.