Half-Century Of Sandy Beach

• This Friday, Entercom News-Talk WBEN-AM/Buffalo, NY will celebrate the amazing 50-year career of market icon Sandy Beach. To properly pay tribute to Sandy’s five decades of achievement, WBEN and Sandy will welcome some special guests and members of the local media in-studio during Friday’s edition of The Sandy Beach Showfrom 9am-noon ET. In-studio guests will include fellow market legends Joey Reynolds, Danny Neaverth and Stan Roberts, and probably some surprises. A reception will be held following the conclusion of the show, where Sandy will be available for interviews with confirmed media.

Sandy Beach began his broadcast career in 1968 as a disc jockey at Buffalo’s legendary WKBW and has gone on to hold various roles including music director, program director, talk-show host and Buffalo Bills’ radio game producer. He’s a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the New York State Broadcasters Hall of Fame and the Buffalo Broadcasters Hall of Fame.

The big event is scheduled for this Friday, June 15 from 9am-noon ET at WBEN NewsRadio 930, 500 Corporate Pkwy, Suite 200, Buffalo, NY 14226. Local media members are invited to attend the live in-studio broadcast with an RSVP to Jennifer Morales at jennifer.morales@entercom.com.

Half-Century Of Sandy Beach