Condolences: Steve Cooper

• It is with great sadness that “Radio’s Best Friend,” Art Vuolo reports the passing of his best friend, Steve Cooper, a 32-year Indianapolis radio vet. “We have been close friends since meeting at Eastern Michigan University in 1968 — 52 years ago,” Art said, adding, “In 1973 Cooper (born James R. Carr near Flint, MI) submitted a tape to CKLW PD Bill Hennes. Having no opening, Hennes sent the tape to James K. “Big Jim” Davis at WNDE/Indianapolis, who loved it and brought Jim to The Circle City. Davis picked Cooper’s radio name out of the Dallas phone book while there recording DJ jingles and it stuck for over three decades. Ironically, when Davis left WNDE, Hennes became the PD and re-energized
‘Windy in Indy.’ He wanted the Big 1260 to kick butt, so he nicknamed Steve ‘Super Cooper, an uptempo high-energy rock jock and he was really good at kickin’ out the hits. Cooper later segued to legendary 13/WIFEand kept it alive for the final days of AM Top 40 and remained there as a talk host when WIFE adopted a spoken word format in 1980.

Vuolo continued, “Cooper switched gears again in 1981 and headed to WFBQ (Q95) as morning host with Carey Carlson. It was the Carey & Coop show until 1983 when they stepped aside for a pair of unknowns from WJML/Petoskey, MI Bob & Tom! Carlson returned to her native Michigan while Cooper, with his energy toned down, slid into a new upstart AC station, 107.9 WTPI-FM. He was named morning host in 1984 and remained there until 2005 when the station was sold by MyStar Communications to Entercom and changed to WNTR (The Track).

“After that, ‘Steve Cooper’ morphed back into his former self as Jim Carr, married to pro radio account executive, Pam Carr, enjoying a less stressful live in Indy’s north side,” Vuolo said. “Over the past six years multiple health issues restricted his mobility, and less than ten days shy of his 72nd birthday was rushed to St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. He passed away peacefully in his own home on December 13th. He will be missed.” Be sure and check out the special tribute video Art produced in memory of his longtime friend.

Condolences: Steve Cooper