Bonneville Serves Without Downsizing

• In a marked contrast to the drastic cutbacks being undertaken by many broadcast companies as a result of the COVID-19-related economic meltdown, Bonneville International has “no present plans” to cut jobs. That’s the word from Darrell Brown, President of Bonneville International (pictured, below), as part of a press release outlining the many charitable community initiatives presently underway in Bonneville’s markets — San Francisco, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Denver, Phoenix and Sacramento. “Bonneville has always prioritized our purpose above our profits,” Brown said. “Our mission and the reason our company was created was to be a trusted voice that builds up, informs, connects and celebrates the families and communities we serve, and there is a great need right now for all of those things.”

Regarding continuing employee job security, the release states, “All employees except for essential personnel are working remotely, and Brown said Bonneville has no present plans to cut jobs. Full and part-time employees who would otherwise lose hours due to the cancellation of events and some programming are now assisting other departments. As Brown explained, “We are taking advantage of this time to provide employees with additional training and we hope all employees with extra time will look for safe ways to serve within their neighborhoods and communities.”

Bonneville will continue to offer employees paid hours to volunteer in the community and is teaming up with JustServe and local organizations to find opportunities for their employees to volunteer from home during the pandemic. Bonneville is also creating online volunteer centers in all their markets.

Last, but certainly not least, Bonneville’s parent company DMC will continue to match employee donations to arts, education, health care, and service organizations registered as 501(c)(3) organizations.

Bonneville Serves Without Downsizing