Downsizing Hits WIGY/Lewiston, ME

• Budget cuts have sadly come calling to Bennett Radio Group Classic Hits 105.5 WIGY/Lewiston, ME, as the station has parted ways with Mark Turcotte and Sara Poulin, hosts of the WIGY Breakfast Club.

The news was initially delivered in a post on the station’s Facebook page that reads, “Bennett Radio Group has had to make some tough decisions recently, and we regret to inform you that today was the last WIGY Breakfast Club with Mark and Sara. We cherished our time with you on and off the air and hope you enjoyed the last four years as much as we did. All the best to you and yours.”

Station owner Stan Bennett confirmed the move was budget-related in this statement to the Lewiston Sun-Journal: “As you can imagine, many small business owners have had to make some tough decisions as the cost of doing business has increased rapidly over the last 2 to 3 years. Mark & Sara are two VERY talented professionals that will be missed dearly.”

“No, I’m not OK,” Poulin noted in a Facebook post made shortly after their termination. “The last 3 years at WIGY have been some of the best of my life… My partnership with Mark Turcotte has been so incredible. He has taught me so much about the industry, comedy and about real adult friendships.” Poulin added, “I don’t know what happens next. I know that I am heartbroken. I know that I’ll wake up tomorrow and not know what to do without the show. And I know that the day will go on and that eventually I’ll be ok.”

When reached by the Sun-Journal on Thursday, Turcotte said, “I felt bad for Stan and Alison [Bennett] because of their passion for local radio. They brought local radio back to Lewiston-Auburn and made it work for four years. Cuts needed to be made and I’m sure every avenue was exhausted before making the decision.” Turcotte added, “When local radio goes off the air, no one wins.”

Downsizing Hits WIGY/Lewiston, ME