Good Karma To Lease ESPN Chicago
• ESPN Radio has reached a long-term Local Marketing Agreement (LMA) and lease with Good Karma Brands, which calls for Good Karma to assume operations and control of WMVP-AM (ESPN 1000)/Chicago, effective September 29. Good Karma will expand its affiliate relationship with ESPN Radio and the station will retain the ESPN 1000 name. It was also announced that Jim Pastor, current VP/GM of ESPN 1000 would retire at the end of the year.
“Good Karma has proven to be an excellent local affiliate that has shown expertise in local media operations and sales while being a strong steward of the ESPN brand,” said Traug Keller, ESPN SVP, ESPN Audio. “This is a smart business decision that allows us to continue to serve local sports fans with the compelling content they crave. I want to thank Jim Pastor for all of his contributions to the success of ESPN 1000 and his role in getting this deal done. I greatly appreciate that Jim will assist in a smooth transition until his retirement at the end of this year.”
Pastor commented, “Few people will ever match the experience I’ve had over 27 incredible years with Disney, including the last 15 with ESPN. I could not be more proud of what we’ve accomplished at ESPN 1000 or more supportive of the decision to affiliate with Good Karma. Walking away now becomes infinitely easier knowing Steve Politziner, Craig Karmazin and their team will be running the show. For me, I’m ready to dial it back, spend more time with the family and go back to sitting in the cheap seats.”
Craig Karmazin, Founder & CEO of Good Karma Brands said, “Our Midwest roots have afforded us the opportunity to see the passion of Chicago sports fans up close for over two decades. We are so excited to extend our commitment to being ESPN’s best-in-class local operator into what will now be our largest market.” ESPN Audio will continue to operate local stations in New York and Los Angeles. Good Karma also owns ESPN Radio affiliates in Cleveland, Madison, Milwaukee and West Palm Beach.