Jay Berman Cranks It Up

• Jay Berman has been named to the Board of Directors for Boca Raton-based Crank Media Intelligence, a B2B platform (currently in private beta), “that connects the live events industry together and enables all stakeholders to communicate and transact business in a custom engineered and secure digital environment.”

Berman, who is currently a Senior Advisor to NetEase Cloud Music, brings more than 30 years of leadership experience in the music and entertainment industry, including a stint as Vice President for Warner Communications where he was responsible for representing the company’s record labels. He went on to become the President & CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) and CEO & Chairman of the International Federation of Phonographic Industries (IFPI). Berman was also appointed Special Counsel for Trade under President Bill Clinton and was instrumental in the passage of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which introduced major changes to the US Copyright Act.

Crank Founder Barry Griffin remarked, “Jay Berman is one of the most respected individuals in the music industry. His transformative work at the RIAA, on the Digital Millennium Act, and with IFPI make him a strong guiding force as we introduce Crank to the industry and help propel it forward in new, bold and digital ways. We are excited to welcome Jay to our Board and extremely honored to work alongside him.”

Jay Berman Cranks It Up