NAB Denounces Attacks On Journalists

In response to the numerous, extremely troubling incidents of harassment and acts of violence against journalists who have been put in harm’s way — literally — while covering these ongoing protests across the country, the NAB has come out strongly in denouncing these attacks on the free press. In a statement, NAB President & CEO Gordon Smith said, “NAB has enormous respect for law enforcement and for the rights of Americans to protest peacefully to make their voices heard. However, I am gravely concerned about recent violence against journalists who are legally covering protests across the nation in the wake of the unconscionable death of George Floyd.”

Smith continued, “We implore both police and protesters to respect the difficult job of journalists and recognize their essential role in democracy. Dedicated broadcast journalists are putting themselves in harm’s way to cover the news and to shine a light on civic unrest. These reporters must be afforded appropriate First Amendment protections as they cover the news, hold officials accountable and shine a spotlight on the challenges facing our society.”

NAB Denounces Attacks On Journalists