Columbia Names Co-Heads Of Urban

• Columbia Records has named Shawn Holiday and Phylicia Fant as Co-heads of Urban Music. Holiday is upped from SVP of Urban A&R for Columbia Records, and Fant joins Columbia from Warner Bros. Records, where she was SVP of Publicity and Special Projects.

The announcement was made by Ron Perry, Chairman & CEO of Columbia Records, who said, “Shawn and Phylicia are two of the most respected executives within the hip hop/R&B creative community. Shawn’s skill for finding and developing talent and Phylicia’s abilities in lifestyle, marketing, and branding will extend the reach of our hip-hop and R&B roster. The entire company joins me in congratulating Shawn and Phylicia.”

Holiday commented, “I want to thank Ron and I’m excited about the direction he’s taking the label. I look forward to working with Phylicia, furthering our Urban roster’s impact as we continue to bring groundbreaking artists to Columbia Records.” Fant stated, “I’m thrilled to play a role in Ron Perry’s bold new Urban strategy. I’ve known Shawn since my earliest days in the business and I’m excited to partner with him to bring new depth to Columbia’s Urban team.  Identifying lifestyle and entrepreneurial initiatives at such a dynamic renaissance period for black culture will create breakthrough opportunities for Columbia artists across all platforms.”

Holiday joined Columbia Records in 2013 as Senior Vice President, Urban A&R. Earlier in his career Holiday was SVP of A&R at RCA Records and SVP/Head of Urban A&R at Interscope Records. Fant joined Warner Bros. in 2011. For ten years before that she handled publicity at Universal-Motown Records. In 2008 she founded and launched The Purple Agency.

Columbia Names Co-Heads Of Urban