TJ Martell Honors Mike Easterlin

• The many friends and fans of Mike Easterlin, co-President of Elektra Music Group are looking forward to saluting the man on November 17, as he is the honoree at the TJ Martell Foundation’s annual New Jersey Harvest Dinner at the Montclair Golf Club. The evening will be hosted by Patty Steele of WCBS-FM/New York and will feature a special acoustic performance by Young The Giant.

Easterlin said, “I am proud to lead the fundraising efforts for this year’s event. We hope you will join us for an amazing evening of food and entertainment for a great cause. I would like to take a minute to thank Julie Greenwald and Craig Kallman at Atlantic Records for their generous donation enabling us to invite many of our young future executives to attend the event.”

As you know, the TJ Martell Foundation is the music industry’s leading foundation that funds innovative medical research focused on finding treatments and cures for cancer. If you would like to purchase tickets for the Harvest Dinner or make a donation please visit Your generous support is greatly appreciated!

TJ Martell Honors Mike Easterlin