Wheelhouse Hires Pleshe For W. Coast Promo

• BBR Music Group/BMG Nashville is excited to announce the latest hire in the Wheelhouse Records‘ promotion department — please welcome Steve Pleshe, a seasoned promotion vet and radio programmer, who joins the company as West Coast Director of Promotion for Wheelhouse Records, starting July 15.

Ken Tucker, VP of Promotion for Wheelhouse Records, said, “Steve is both a well-respected promotion professional and an accomplished radio programmer. From the beginning of our job search, it seemed that he was the right person for the job and throughout the process he continued to reinforce that belief. He brings strong relationships at radio, a passion for music and a work ethic that will further strengthen team Wheelhouse.”

With three decades of industry experience, Pleshe boasts an impressive resume that includes promotion stops at RCA Nashville, Warner Music Nashville, Monument Records and Black River Entertainment, as well as two tours of duty as PD of Cumulus Country KSKS (93.7 Kiss FM)/Fresno.

Effective July 15, Pleshe can be reached at steve.pleshe@bmg.com.

Wheelhouse Hires Pleshe For W. Coast Promo