Before Christmas Comes Christmas Steve

Rich Berra, co-host of iHeartMedia’s syndicated Johnjay and Rich Show, is back again this holiday season with The Tale of Christmas Steve, a hilarious and heartwarming holiday children’s book. The whimsical story about a Christmas elf is a timely reminder that everyone has something unique to offer — no matter the outside package.

Sales of the book and related products will benefit the Johnjay and Rich Christmas Wish program, a division of the guys’ #LoveUp charity, which provides food, clothing, comfort and holiday presents to those in need. The book debuted in 2017, selling out its first run in only a week, and raising more than $25,000 for charity. Berra hopes to double that number this year. “Last year Christmas Steve was able to change lives through ‘Christmas Wish,'” said Berra. “This year we have a very aggressive goal because we want to help more kids and families that need a hand up.”

Berra’s book is available at, and at a number of brick-and-mortar stores — like Woods and Whites at the Biltmore Fashion Park in Phoenix, where Berra will appear tomorrow at 1pm.

Before Christmas Comes Christmas Steve