“Hey, Your Van Stole My Truck!”

• Conventional wisdom would suggest to a car thief of halfway average intelligence, that, say, if you were looking to steal Vehicle A in order to boost Vehicle B, that first vehicle would be something completely nondescript… the exact opposite of your standard-issue rolling billboard radio station van.

Sadly, a Denver car thief neglected to think his actions through, as evidenced by the recent theft of the brightly colored van belonging to Max Media Rhythmic Oldies KJHM (Jammin 101.5)/Denver, which was then used to help steal a truck from a suburban driveway.

Thankfully, Jammin’ 101.5 was able to turn its search for the van into a hugely viral campaign that resulted in the vehicle’s recovery… albeit with the contents missing. After video surfaced showing the van being utilized to assist in the theft of another truck, (thank God for doorbell video cameras!) Jammin’ 101.5 put out an APB on-air and online for any assistance in finding their missing vehicle. After one alert listener spotted the van parked on his street, the station crew rushed to the scene and recovered the vehicle. While the van was largely undamaged, the thieves did make off with several thousand dollars worth of equipment from inside the vehicle. The whole episode was nicely covered by Denver’s Fox 31, a.k.a. “a local television station.”

Afterwards, Jeff “Glass-Half-Full” Norman, President/GM of Max Media Denver commented, “At least no one was hurt, but it’s still frustrating in terms of losing all of our promotional equipment! However, the free press coverage surrounding the story has been fantastic!”

“Hey, Your Van Stole My Truck!”