May 25: COVID Remembrance Day

Paige Nienaber and CPR Promotions, in conjunction with partners MannGroup Radio, Benztown and P1 Media Group have chosen Tuesday, May 25, 2021, as “COVID Remembrance Day,” a date for radio stations and groups around the globe to pause and engage with their audiences in remembering those who have been lost since the pandemic hit in 2020. Please mark your calendar.

COVID Remembrance Day (™ pending) will allow participating stations to reflect on the events of the past year, honor and pay tribute to the victims, the heroes, and to the people in their communities who have stepped up and been a part of the response effort during this health crisis. CPR Promotions will provide radio stations with multiple ideas that they will need for this day. COVID Remembrance Day will also be an opportunity for stations to continue to build on their campaigns to get the best, most current information on local vaccine availability and scheduling to their audiences.

Nienaber explains, “There are times when radio can remind our listeners that we’re going to be there for them during the good times and the bad times. Contests and celebrity gossip are all fine, but we have licenses to serve our communities, and this is a prime opportunity to do just that.” He added, “Radio has done a great job from the beginning with this, and now the next journey for us should be to help facilitate the healing and the grieving within our communities.”

Any brand, cluster or group is invited to be part of the remembrance on May 25 — just visit and download a PDF of ideas and thought-starters. Sign up, and as plans begin to solidify, they will be shared among the group. There will also be audio resources provided by Benztown and networking and assistance from CPR Promotions as brands define what their COVID Remembrance Day action plan will be. For more information, contact Paige at

May 25: COVID Remembrance Day