NAB Show Express Serving Pai

• FCC Chairman Ajit Pai and NAB President & CEO Gordon Smith will participate in a keynote conversation on Wednesday, May 13 during the NAB Show Express Welcome event. The industry’s top regulator and the head of NAB will discuss communications policy issues before the FCC, including spectrum policy and media ownership. The opening session will be streamed on at 12pm on May 13 and available on-demand following its conclusion.

The NAB Show Express Welcome event will also feature Smith’s “State of the Broadcast Industry” address and the presentation of the NAB Distinguished Service Award to the late Jim Henson, the artist, innovator, and visionary creator of The Muppets. The Crystal Radio Awards, Digital Leadership Award and Engineering Achievement Awards will also be presented, and Coloff Media’s KCVM-FM/Cedar Falls, IA will receive the prestigious NAB Crystal Heritage Award.

NAB Show Express, to be held May 13-14, is a dynamic online event offering 24-hour access to premium content curated for the global entertainment and media community. Featuring live and on-demand educational sessions as well as an exclusive Solutions Marketplace, NAB Show Express provides critical information, inspiration and solutions to move the industry forward.

NAB Show Express Serving Pai