Happy 10th, B-Dub Radio!

• Sending our best wishes to Bryan “B-Dub” Washington, who today celebrates his 10th anniversary as host of Skyview Networks-syndicated B-Dub Radio. The show initially launched on October 11, 2014, as a weekend offering titled Buckwild Saturday Night, and was rebranded as B-Dub Radio in 2020. Since then, the successful Country show now airs six days per week, adding major markets such as Seattle, Portland, and St. Louis.

“I’m blown away that it’s been ten years since the weekend show launched,” said B-Dub. “Since its first day on air, we’ve delivered 521 weekend shows and 1,056 weekday shows to our growing family of affiliates. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and humbled to have so many people believe in my abilities. Here’s to the next decade!”

“B-Dub is an incredibly energetic, talented and award-winning radio host, and we feel fortunate to collaborate with him each day,” said Ed Moloney, Director, Affiliate Syndication for Skyview Networks. “B-Dub Radio is a vital part of our syndication lineup, and we’re thrilled for B-Dub’s remarkable growth and success of the program over the last ten years.”

B-Dub Radio airs five hours daily, Monday through Saturday, and offers customization and content-only options to its affiliates. For affiliation info, contact affiliation@skyviewsat.com.

Happy 10th, B-Dub Radio!