Industry Legend Mark Driscoll Dies At 72

UPDATED: This morning we learned that our industry has lost yet another legend — multi-talented programmer, air talent and V/O pro, Mark “Mr. Voice” Driscoll died around 7:30am ET today, while in hospice care in West Palm Beach, FL. He was 72 years old.

Driscoll was a great Top 40 jock at a number of legendary radio stations, an acclaimed program director, and in recent years, listed among the best voiceover talents in the business.  His unique, semi-gravely delivery was instantly recognizable by most people in the radio industry.

An Oklahoma native, Driscoll started his radio career as a teenager in Texas with the great Gordon McLendon nearly 50 years ago. By his early ’20s, Driscoll had already worked in New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston and Washington, DC. His programming career began in 1974. Driscoll went on to become the imaging voice for heritage stations like Kiss 108/Boston, WPLJ/New York, Y100/Miami,WKQI/Detroit, KIIS-FM/Los Angeles and countless others. He was also a fixture at numerous radio conventions over the years, like those memorable R&R Conventions, the Bobby Poe, Gavin and NAB Radio Shows. Driscoll also created outstanding V/O for several of the Art Vuolo video channels at confabs and did promos for the Worldwide Radio Summit.

Last year Driscoll relocated from Hollywood, CA  to Pompano Beach, FL where he set up shop, according to close friend, and radio pal, Bill Hennes. We are told that Driscoll suffered a bad fall about a month ago, and had experienced related health issues ever since. Right up until the end he had a wicked sense of humor and would appreciate the description, “Driscoll always hit the Mark!” Listen to his legendary voice once more. [Special thanks to Art Vuolo]

• Matt Seinberg of Big Apple Airchecks is in the process of producing an aircheck tribute to Mark Driscoll and is looking for any of Mark’s friends and former colleagues who would like to contribute to this labor of love. If you want to be included in this heartfelt project, please reach out to Matt at

Industry Legend Mark Driscoll Dies At 72