Keeping Duluth Musically Current

• Minnesota Public Radio’s The Current has hired Brittany Lind as host of the Duluth Local Show. The Duluth-based Lind will now oversee operations and lead audience engagement efforts and community partnerships at Current affiliates in Ely, Grand Marais, Hibbing, Hinckley and Duluth, MN.

Lind is creator and executive director of Ellipsis, a community-focused event promotion organization that plans, promotes and orchestrates events, music shows, tap takeovers and other cross-community events. She is also the co-producer for FEMN FEST, a music festival featuring exclusively female and non-binary artists and the events and social media coordinator for the Duluth Superior Film Festival.

“Whenever the Twin Cities’ staff of The Current has come to Duluth for an event or musical celebration, we’ve been impressed with the passion and enthusiasm for the music scene that Brittany has shown,” said Jim McGuinn, PD of The Current, which originates from KCMP/Minneapolis-St. Paul. “Her work in the local community to lift up the profile of local artists will continue and be amplified in this new role as Duluth Local Show host. We can’t wait to hear what she discovers and shares with our listeners in Duluth and beyond.”

Lind commented, “For the last five years I’ve had the pleasure of promoting local music and curating live shows with a handful of Duluth artists. I look forward to being able to go one step further and creating an hour-long radio show every week featuring the best that Duluth as to offer. I’m also looking forward to working with The Current and being able to help showcase Duluth music, not only in northern Minnesota, but throughout the state.”

The Duluth Local Show can be heard on The Current in Duluth Sundays at 8pm and is rebroadcast on The Local Current stream Mondays at 2pm.

Keeping Duluth Musically Current