Moore New Pres./CEO, Maine Assoc. Broadcasters

The Maine Association of Broadcasters announced the hire of veteran programmer Tim Moore as its new President & CEO. The move makes perfect sense — Moore is a longtime resident of Maine, started his radio career at WKSQ-FM/Bangor and notably spent two decades at the helm of Cumulus Top 40 WJBQ (Q97.9) & AC WHOM/Portland. Moore is also a former member of the MAB Board of Directors, a former Board Chair, is a member of the MAB Hall of Fame and was awarded the inaugural Broadcast Achievement Award in 2010, so yeah, you could say he more than qualifies…

David Abel, Chairman of the MAB Board of Directors and Pres./GM of WMTW-TV/Portland, notes that Moore was hired after an extensive search, following the unexpected passing of long-time MAB President/CEO Suzanne Goucher earlier this year. “The Board was looking for someone with deep experience in Maine broadcasting and extensive relationships throughout the state — and Tim stood out among some very qualified candidates,” Abel said. “There is much to be done to position the MAB for the future-and we are excited to have Tim lead that effort.”

Moore was equally excited to share the news, stating, “I have loved the MAB for years — and believe in their mission to advocate for broadcasters on every level. Thanks to Chairman David Abel, incoming Chair Corey Garrison and the entire Board of Directors for placing their faith and trust in me. I am beyond excited to lead the MAB into the future-and cannot wait to get started!” Moore’s new gig comes just three weeks after he was downsized from his decade-long role as VP of Programming for iHeartMedia New Hampshire.

The Maine Association of Broadcasters is a non-profit organization celebrating 75 years of service and support to Maine broadcasters, formed in 1947 to “cultivate a friendly spirit of cooperation in matters of common interest” to Radio and Television stations throughout the Pine Tree State. Moore can be congratulated at

Moore New Pres./CEO, Maine Assoc. Broadcasters