Sean Demery Needs Our Help

• Our friend and colleague, veteran programmer/personality Sean Demery continues to fight in his recovery from a devastating brain stem stroke. On January 20, the day that Sean and his wife Jennifer closed on their new home in Portland, OR, he collapsed in the middle of the night and was rushed to the hospital where emergency surgery removed a blood clot from the base of his brain. Since his release from the ICU, Sean has continued to meet many milestones in his long road to recovery. His doctors believe that the first 3 to 4 months are crucial in his stabilization and amount to a lot of “wait & see.”

We are told that Sean has been making strides in breathing and communicating, but at this point, he is still only able to converse through eye movement. With his will to progress and some amazing technology available, we are very hopeful of more improvement and breakthroughs.

Needless to say, the financial stress is considerable, and will continue to be a burden. If you have ever known, worked with or listened to Sean, you know his heart, his love for his family, friends and the entire Radio Community. It’s our goal to help the industry return that love a thousand-fold. If you would like to contribute to Sean’s recovery, please visit Sean & Jennifer’s GoFundMe page. Special thanks to Eric Rhoads for launching this page.

Sean Demery Needs Our Help