WKQX/Chicago Presents ‘The History of Alternative’

• After months of top-secret preparation, and several truckloads of craft beer, Cumulus Alternative 101 WKQX/Chicago proudly presents The History of Alternative, an exclusive five-week radio series that kicked off Tuesday at 10am. The special programming, sponsored by Coors Light, will take Alternative fans through an epic anthology of the music, memories and events that have defined Alternative and will air nine hours a day, every day, on 101 WKQX through October 9. The program will also include a list of the top moments in the history of Alternative, compiled by 101 WKQX’s Morning team of Brian, Ali and Justin, which will air throughout the day. A companion History of Alternative podcast will dig even deeper into the genre, while WKQX APD/evening dude Jon Manley will include a daily blog post with his “Mixtape” for the day, featuring a compilation of songs that come together in a new daily category.

Troy Hanson, who doubles as WKQX PD and Cumulus VP of Corporate Programming/Rock Formats, commented, “For 25+ years, WKQX has had the good fortune of being Chicago’s amplifier to all things Alternative. This labor of love will showcase the music since the dawn of the genre, as well as the pop culture happenings surrounding the movement. A credit to our incredible listeners who have helped shape the face of Alternative. We’ve got you covered. All 23 minutes of Kraftwerk‘s ‘Autobahn?’ Check. Guyliner tips from The Cure? Check. Flannel-meets-Punk-meets-Lilith Fair? Check. Zoot Suit Chain Wallets? Check. Backwards Red Baseball cap? Yeah… even that phase, plus a couple more surprises along the way.”

The History of Alternative was produced by Mr. Hanson, Mr. Manley and James Van Osdol, narrated by Brian Philips and hosted by Lauren O’Neal and Tim Virgin.

WKQX/Chicago Presents ‘The History of Alternative’