93.9X — Now With Humans!

• Cumulus Media’s three-month-old Active Rock WNDX (93.9X)/Indianapolis is about to undergo a serious personality upgrade — on Tuesday, Sept. 3, The Abe Kanan Show will makes its Indy debut at 6am. Kanan (pictured) is based at Alternative sister WKQX/Chicago and has also been heard on WLUP/Chicago and WBGG/Miami, as well as on Howard Stern‘s SiriusXM channel, Howard 101.

Christopher “Boomer” Layfield, Operations Manager of WNDX, said, “Indy morning rock radio is gonna suck a whole lot less with Abe on board at 93.9X. Listeners will continue to get a face full of their favorite rock music every morning, along with Abe’s unique humor and style. Turn it up!”

Kanan said, “If I could create my own radio station, it would sound just like 93.9X. In 2019, this is exactly how a rock station should sound. I am beyond excited and honored to be chosen as the first morning show host on the soon-to-be world-famous 93.9X!”

The rest of the 93.9X airstaff will also debut on Sept. 3, via the magic of voice-tracking: Lindsey Armstrong from sister KHTB/Salt Lake City will do middays; Brian Phillips from sister WKQX/Chicago will handle afternoons — for now — the soon-to-be named WNDX PD will assume this time slot upon arrival — and Pablo from Cumulus Active Rock KXXR (93X)/Minneapolis will handle 7-midnight. You heard the man — “Turn it up!”

93.9X — Now With Humans!