KFTK Revamps Mornings, Middays

• Utilizing air talent already on staff, Entercom FM News-Talk KFTK/St. Louis has successfully filled that gaping Jamie Allman-shaped morning drive hole in the line-up — RAMP has confirmed that Marc Cox, a seven-year station vet has been moved from middays into morning drive — The Marc Cox Morning Show debuts on Monday, April 23 and will run from 5-9am weekdays. Filling Cox’s former noon-3pm slot is Annie Frey, who is elevated from weekends.

Cox succeeds former morning host Jamie Allman, whose lost both his local radio and TV gigs after his tasteless and ill-advised March 26 tweet about Parkland shooting survivor-turned anti-gun activist David Hogg that drew widespread criticism.

KFTK Revamps Mornings, Middays