CBA Teams With Sales Guru Lytle

• Members of the Colorado Broadcasters Association (CBA) now have free access to one of the leading authorities in broadcast sales, Chris Lytle, who has inspired and educated countless advertising sales professionals for over 40 years. Lytle (pictured) is famous for providing “more usable information-per-minute” than anyone else in the business.

Justin Sasso, President & CEO of the Colorado Broadcasters Association said, “When I started my broadcast sales career, my manager handed me Chris’ book, The Accidental Salesperson and said, ‘Read this before you make your first cold call.’ I finished that book faster than any book I had previously read. Chris is relatable and his teaching is simple. I landed one of my largest accounts by using a sample letter right out of his book. Since coming to the CBA, I wanted nothing more than to afford our members that same opportunity to utilize Chris’ wealth of knowledge and start using it for their own gain. Today, we’re able to do that by providing Chris’ Instant Sales Training as a free service to the CBA’s members.”

Lytle noted, “It’s funny — I used to do 130 six-hour seminars a year. Now, people want shorter and shorter sessions. ‘Just-in-time, just enough,’ is the new way to think about sales learning. For example, I recently had to change the filter on my new refrigerator. So, I watched a two-minute YouTube video on the subject. Sometimes that’s all the training you need for the task at hand. A quick lesson on leaving better voicemails can be delivered in five minutes or less. Salespeople can learn on the fly and apply it moments later. I’m grateful that Justin Sasso is making Instant Sales Training another member benefit and that so many CBA members are avid users.”

Chris Lytle’s Instant Sales Training provides those in broadcast sales with knowledgeable, bite-sized sales ideas that can be quickly consumed and then utilized at the next interaction with a client. Instant Sales Training takes the pressure off sales managers to design new, motivational ideas every week. There are already over 294 audio ideas in Chris’ library with new ideas recorded and added weekly. CBA members can visit, sign up and start receiving Chris Lytle’s Instant Sales Training today.

CBA Teams With Sales Guru Lytle