Thoughts & Prayers To Nick Cannon

• We are sending our most sincere condolences to Nick Cannon, host of Skyview Networks’ Nick Cannon Radio, and his partner Alyssa Scott, who on Tuesday announced that the couple’s five-month-old son Zen Scott Cannon died over the weekend after battling a brain tumor.

Cannon shared the news of his infant son’s life — and tragic passing — in a deeply emotional segment in front of his studio audience in New York, explaining that Zen was afflicted with hydrocephalus, a condition that causes fluid build-up in the brain and, in this case, a malignant midline brain tumor.

Cannon explained that Zen’s condition worsened over Thanksgiving. “The process sped up. Ultimately, it was cancer in the brain. The tumor began to grow a lot faster,” said Cannon, who was understandably overcome as he described holding Zen for the last time. “I was preparing my day as it normally went. I didn’t know what it was going to be. But even by the time I got in the car headed for the airport, I had to turn around,” to be with Zen, Cannon said. “I turned around and not only did we get to see the sunrise, but we got to see the sunset too.” He told his viewers, “You can’t heal until you feel,” adding, “this is a special show dedicated to my beautiful son.”

Zen was the youngest of Cannon’s seven children. NBC News has more details about little Zen’s tough battle. [Photo from Twitter]

Thoughts & Prayers To Nick Cannon