E. Curtis Comes Blazing Back

• Nice to see Fresno radio pro E. Curtis Johnson back in the saddle, as it were, as he has been hired as the new Program Director of Lotus Active Rock KKBZ (105.1 The Blaze). He succeeds Jon Ballard, who exited last week.

Johnson (pictured here in the luxuriously appointed Lotus lobby) brings with him a lengthy radio resume in the Fresno market, most notably as the Director of Programing for the late KRZR from 1989-2007, followed by a stint overseeing Clear Channel’s nine-station cluster. From 2008 to 2014 he served as Director of Programming for One Putt Broadcasting’s five-station Fresno cluster.

Johnson returns to broadcasting from a four-year hiatus, where, rumor has it, he was helping Jimmy Buffett look for that infamous lost shaker of salt…

Your congratulatory emails can be sent directly to ejohnson@lotusfresno.com.

E. Curtis Comes Blazing Back