DuCoty Goin’ Fishin’

• After a stellar radio career that spans more than 50 years, Chuck DuCoty announced his retirement as Chief Operating Officer of NRG Media after the first of the year. CEO Mary Quass says DuCoty will continue to work with NRG on special projects in the future. DuCoty began his radio career in 1965 in his hometown of Coshocton, OH. He worked his way through the programming ranks, eventually becoming Station Manager of WIYY (98Rock)/Baltimore. In 1991 he was named VP/GM of WISN-AM & WLTQ-FM/Milwaukee, where he spent the next ten years. In 2001 he was tapped as GM of WKQX (Q101)/Chicago, and in October 2005 DuCoty reunited with Mary Quass and joined Cedar Rapids, IA-based NRG Media as Chief Operating Officer.

DuCoty remarked, “I have been blessed with a career in an industry I have loved and have had the opportunity to work with some amazingly talented people. It has been said if you truly love what you do for a living, you will never work a day in your life, which has certainly been true for me. At the beginning of my broadcasting journey, if I had been asked to write down what I hoped I would be able to experience and what my life would look like I would have massively shortchanged myself.” He continued, “I leave the industry and NRG Media with mixed emotions, but after 53 years, it’s time for the next chapter in my life and for enjoying time with my family and friends. And I’m living proof that occasionally some of us do get out alive.”

NRG CFO Jim Smith said, “Chuck leaves a pair of very big shoes to fill with his retirement; not just for the NRG Media team, but for the industry as well. Chuck’s love and dedication to the radio industry is legendary and his impact, equally impressive. Having worked with Chuck for many years I have come to admire and respect the positive impact he has had on so many over the years. He is a great partner and an even better friend. I wish him much happiness and know that we are all better for having known him! I can only hope to leave a legacy half as meaningful to this industry as he has.” Mary Quass said, simply, “Thank you, Chuck!”

DuCoty Goin’ Fishin’