Coleman Pledges 1%…. It’s Your Turn

Coleman Insights announced it has joined Pledge 1%, a global movement inspiring companies of all sizes to integrate the habit of giving into the DNA of their business. Over 1,500 companies in 40 countries have so far joined this growing movement. As a Pledge 1% member, Coleman Insights will donate one percent of its annual profits and one percent of the services its produces each year to non-profit organizations that meet criteria set by a committee of company employees. In addition, Coleman Insights employees will donate one percent of their annual working hours to volunteer on behalf of non-profit organizations.

Coleman Insights President Warren Kurtzman explains, “We decided to publicize our participation in Pledge 1% not to pat ourselves on the back, but to encourage other media and research companies in the industries we serve to build giving back to their communities into their everyday business practices. A program like Pledge 1% is perfect for companies willing to make a specific commitment to supporting community and charitable organizations.”

Amy Lesnick, Chief Executive of Pledge 1%, commented, “We are incredibly excited that Coleman Insights has taken the pledge. Coleman Insights can play a pivotal role in building this movement and promoting a new normal in which all companies — big and small — integrate giving back as a core value in their business.”

Coleman Pledges 1%…. It’s Your Turn