Philly Fave Debbi Calton Retiring

• Beasley Classic Rock WMGK/Philadelphia announced that legendary midday personality Debbi Calton will officially retire on December 6. She has been on the air in the same daypart for 26 years.

Calton never imagined she would work in radio for 40+ years. She began her career at the age of 19 at an AM daytimer in Charlotte, NC. She went on to spend a decade at the late, great WYSP/Philly before joining WMGK in 1993. An early run-in with management at another radio station over equal pay could have derailed her career, as Calton recalls, “I was told at that time that I was just a little girl who, until they taught me, didn’t know anything and that I would never work in radio again. I’m extremely grateful for what I learned there (and at all the radio stations I’ve worked at since), but I also deserved equal pay. I’m glad I held my ground at that time. Here I am all these years later, still working in radio… a profession that I love!”

She added, “I’ve been so fortunate to work in Philadelphia, with such amazing fans, over the past 36 years. I’m also grateful for having the best shift ever (9am-2pm) at WMGK. As a result, I was able to drop my son off at school and pick him up afterwards. He’s now 27. This has been an amazing ride!” She added, “I’m looking forward to not hitting the snooze button on the alarm. It’s a big transition. I want to thank my WMGK co-workers and the Philadelphia radio audience for embracing me as they have all these years.”

During the month of November leading up to Calton’s retirement, WMGK will feature highlights of her long career, including early airchecks, classic interviews, event coverage and as many embarrassing photos as she will allow the station to post. And yes, WMGK is actively conducting a search for Debbi’s on-air replacement and is accepting packages at

Philly Fave Debbi Calton Retiring