ABC Radio Now ABC Audio

• Please make a note of it. That’s the word from Stacia Philips Deshishku, VP & GM of ABC Audio, who announced the official rebranding in a Friday staff memo that read in part, “Today, we’re making official what has increasingly been done in practice — the use of ABC Audio in place of ABC Radio as our umbrella brand. ‘Audio’ is a natural evolution of our branding. It says ‘yes, and…’ to the many, growing touchpoints for our journalism and stories. You’re all aware of the new platforms entering consumers’ lives, from podcast distribution to interactive voice and beyond. ABC Audio recognizes that technology is evolving, but the value of our work remains constant. So this is as much a commitment to our listeners that they will find our storytelling anytime and everywhere, as it is to you that your excellent work will continue to find the audiences it deserves.”

Deshishku also used the same memo to announce that Heidi Oringer has been promoted to Executive Director of Business Strategy, Programming and Distribution and Abe Velez has been upped to Director of Business Development and Strategy. Deshishku remarked, “Heidi began her career at ABC as an overnight writer for morning radio, developing the morning radio prep services that came to be known as Air Power, now with over 300 affiliated stations. She served as Director of Entertainment for ABC News Radio when ABC was the first radio outlet to broadcast a live two-hour national show from a solo platform on the Academy Awards Red Carpet. Most recently Heidi was the Director of Affiliate Solutions.” Commenting on Velez, she said, “In the years since joining ABC in the newly-created Business Development function, there’s hardly been a partner deal that has not been vetted, modeled, negotiated, or wordsmithed by Abe. He played a vital role in the 2015 network relaunch of ABC Radio, and his creative instincts have further elevated him as a trusted leader.”

In closing, Deshishku said, “Please join me in congratulating Abe and Heidi! And thank you all for your patience as we work to re-think and re-design our team to better meet the opportunities in front of us. I will have more announcements regarding new hires, promotions and re-alignments soon. There is a lot of good stuff happening in our ever-expanding unit!”

ABC Radio Now ABC Audio