McGurren Leaving WTMX/Chicago

• Hubbard Radio Hot AC WTMX (101.9fm The Mix)/Chicago is “sad to announce that after 22 years with the station, [morning co-host] Melissa McGurren was offered a contract extension which much to our surprise she declined.”

Elsewhere in the statement, VP/Market Manager Jeff England said, “Our plans for the future of Eric in the Morningdefinitely included Melissa. We were disappointed by her decision not to renew her contract, but also know that this year has led all of us to assess our lives in different ways. When she informed me of her decision, she described her time at the station as ‘a privilege’ and that feeling is completely mutual. We wish her the best.”

Earlier this month Chicago media journalist Robert Feder noted that McGurren, who had been upped from traffic reporter to co-host in 2017 after the departure of Kathy Hart, has been M.I.A. from the show “for much of the past two months.” A week ago, McGurren posted a video to Facebook, assuring her fans that she was OK. “I just don’t want anybody to worry that anybody’s sick or has COVID or anything like that. We’re, thank goodness, all healthy in our family and I hope that you’re all healthy in your family,” she said, adding, “But I just didn’t want anybody to worry. And I’m really sorry that I haven’t been there. I really truly am.” She then wished everyone Happy Holidays, ending with, “Thanks, you guys. OK, love you all. Thank you for all those great messages. Thank you so much. Bye bye.”

Eric in the Morning will continue with host Eric Ferguson and the current morning show team, including Violeta Podrumedic, Brian “Whip” Paruch, and John “Swany” Swanson.

McGurren Leaving WTMX/Chicago