Fingers Crossed For In-Person NAB Show

• The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) revealed research that demonstrates growing confidence and positivity among NAB Show participants about a return to in-person events. Results from a survey conducted by Freeman Event Research as part of a trade show industry research project, which included NAB Show in Las Vegas, indicate a majority of past NAB Show attendees expect to attend in-person events in late 2021.

NAB announced last year that it plans to move NAB Show, previously scheduled for April 11-13, to October 9-13, 2021. The association also reported strong early exhibits sales for the October event and announced that other prominent industry events will collocate with NAB Show.

Freeman Event Research surveyed nearly 1,000 previous NAB Show attendees online between November 9–16, 2020 with a margin of error of 3.1 percent. Nearly seven-in-ten reported they expect to attend in-person events when NAB Show is scheduled in October 2021. Three-in-five say the availability of a COVID-19 vaccine will have the most influence in their decision about whether to attend an in-person event, and 88 percent said they are likely to return once they feel the threat of the virus is mitigated. Since the survey was conducted, multiple COVID-19 vaccines were approved and are now being distributed globally.

Nearly 60 percent of respondents anticipate virtual components will have an increased role in live events and trade shows. Accordingly, NAB Show is launching NAB Amplify, a new online platform designed to connect the NAB Show community year-round, generate meaningful business connections and enhance the execution of live events.

Fingers Crossed For In-Person NAB Show