Upgrade City At Skyview Networks

Skyview Networks announced several internal promotions within its business development department (pictured, below, l-r): Sam Zelasko has been upped to Sr. Director, Business Development; Aaron Mellis is named Executive Director, Business Services; and production and digital specialist, Matt Sammon is elevated to Manager, Business Development and Strategy. Additionally, Ryan Ballard, VP of Business Operations and an 18-year company veteran, will now collectively oversee the company’s software development, IT, operations and business services to further drive efficiency and technology development.

Zelasko’s new responsibilities include further developing professional sports relations and identifying and monetizing new revenue streams. Mellis, a member of Skyview’s operations and business services divisions since 2005 will now further direct the course and direction of client services and solutions. Sammon will work closely with the company’s content development and syndication teams to manage digital analytics, while also working closely with Zelasko to expand the company’s sports portfolio.

“We have cultivated a high-performing team that continually identifies compelling growth opportunities to expand our reach and range of services, delivering revenue for our company and for our partners,” said Steve Jones, President & COO of Skyview Networks. “Their ability to think critically in developing specialized solutions keeps us at the forefront of the industry and we are enthusiastic to see further accomplishments in their new roles.”

Ken Thiele, CEO of Skyview Networks, added, “I’m pleased in the continued strength and advancement of our team, which is charged with making significant additions to our client and services portfolio to advance our growth trajectory. This team is laser-focused on delivering impactful results and I am beyond proud of the effort and determination Ryan, Sam, Aaron and Matt bring to Skyview.”

Upgrade City At Skyview Networks