Morning Show News

Ulibarri Kathie J• RAMP has confirmed that Entercom Rhythmic KQKS (KS107.5)/Denver has parted company with longtime morning duo Larry Ulibarri and Kathy J after failing to come to terms on a new contract. The show recently celebrated its 17th anniversary with the station. You may recall that original co-host Kendall B. exited in January after 17 years.

In a statement, Esther-Mireya Tejeda, Entercom VP of Corporate Communications & Public Relations said, “The Larry and Kathie J show will no longer be airing on KS107.5 FM in Denver as of Monday, April 3rd. Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, we could not come to an agreement on terms. Larry and Kathie have been an important part of the station for many years. We wish them both well and we are now looking forward to our nationwide search for the station’s next morning show.” Stay tuned as the station composes a classified ad to fill this major morning opportunity.

Rash 2017• Lotus Communications Active Rock KKBZ (105.1 The Blaze)/Fresno is proud to welcome longtime Fresno radio fixture, Rash to The Morning Blaze, joining existing host Izzy on Monday, April 3. Rash crosses the street from One Putt Broadcasting, where he was PD/afternoon host on KFIG-AM (940 ESPN Fresno) and did middays on Alternative KFRR (New Rock 104.1). Lotus Fresno GM Kevin O’Rorke remarked, “We’re very excited to bring Rash into the fold at 105-1 The Blaze. His Fresno roots, and unique perspective, mixed with Izzy’s attitude and enthusiasm will take the Valley’s premiere ‘Loud and Local Morning Show’ to new heights.”

Rash said, “I’m excited for the opportunity to rock the Central Valley every morning with Izzy on The Morning Blaze! Seriously, I can’t wait to get started… but first, I gotta buy an alarm clock!” Concurrent with Rash’s hire, Ken “Gus” August exits and can be reached at

Morning Show News