Pierre Robert Hits ‘MMR Milestone

How cool is this? We want to extend our most sincere best wishes to the immensely talented Pierre Robert, legendary midday personality on Beasley’s WMMR/Philadelphia, who this month celebrates a rare and magnificent career milestone this month — he celebrates 35 consecutive years at the same radio station! Given the often-turbulent nature of our beloved business, you will agree that Robert’s accomplishment is truly remarkable. Imported from San Francisco way back in 1981, Pierre Robert has entertained the good citizens of Philadelphia daily with his iconic voice and passion for Everything That Rocks, which resonate with a city that truly loves him.

During his illustrious career, Robert has covered pretty much every major music event, including Live Aid in 1985, Live 8 in 2005, Woodstock ’94 and the Concert for Amnesty International, plus countless tours from the Rolling Stones, The Who, Pearl Jam and hundreds more. He has attended more concerts, shaken more hands and touched more lives with his ongoing support of local charities and his continued community service than any other Philadelphian. His longevity and accomplishments truly make him one of a kind.

“Where’s Pierre?” is the most posed question in the city… and the correct answer, for the past for 35 years has been “93.3 WMMR in Philadelphia.” Congrats, Pierre, and here’s to another 35!

Pierre Robert Hits ‘MMR Milestone