KINK Carbon-Neutral For Your Convenience

• For more than a year, Alpha Media Triple A 101.9 KINK FM/Portland, OR has been on the path to becoming Carbon Neutral. Now, through a series of eco-initiatives and after completing an audit from YR&G, KINK has now become the first radio station in the United States to be named Carbon Neutral!

KINK knows the work doesn’t stop there and is constantly striving to keep its carbon footprint low and find new ways to lower it even more. Over the next year KINK will roll out even more eco-friendly actions in the hope that listeners will adopt them to their way of life. KINK PD Sean Demery commented, “Individuals doing small actions can pay large eco dividends when realized as a large group. KINK is the loudspeaker, but it’s our community that has the power to make a difference.”

KINK Carbon-Neutral For Your Convenience