Clore VP/Marketing @ Curb | Word

• The newly formed Curb | Word Entertainment has appointed John Clore as Vice President of Marketing, where he will oversee the execution of marketing strategies for the full roster of artists across all genres including Country, Pop, Rock, Hip Hop and Christian.

The move marks a return to the family for Clore, who previously spent six years with Word Records as Sr. Director. Jeff Tuerff, SVP of Marketing and Creative, remarked, “We’re thrilled to bring John back to the company in an expanded roll where his reputation, expertise and leadership skills are a perfect fit to help guide the marketing initiatives across the breadth of artists we are so honored to work with at Curb | Word Entertainment.”

Clore said, “I’m very excited about the opportunity to work alongside Jeff Tuerff and Jim Ed Norman and the entire team at Curb | Word. Being able to market artists in multiple genres — including Country, where my career started — is something I’m very excited about.” Clore is now on the job and can be reached at 615-635-0853 or

Clore VP/Marketing @ Curb | Word