Rock Goddess Lea Pisacane Retiring

• Hard to believe that we are coming to the end of the “Lea Pisacane Era” at Atlantic Records, but that is the reality, as our pal Lea Pisacane, Atlantic’s longtime SVP of Rock Promotion announced her retirement, capping off more than three decades of success with the storied label.

“It’s truly impossible to encapsulate my career at the label I’ve called home for the past 34 years,” said Lea (pictured here with her friend Geddy Lee). “What has meant the most to me, though, is the people. At Atlantic, at radio and the business at large, my relationships are what I treasure most. If I live forever I will never be able to properly thank Andrea Ganis, my coach, mentor and friend, Julie Greenwald and Craig Kallman who ‘get’ my weirdness, and Pete Ganbarg, whose A&R vision for rock and beyond is unparalleled, for all their support, leadership and forbearance over the years. And of course major tonnage of gratitude to Phil Kaso, who I trust to fly the rock flag long after I’m gone.”

She added, “I will miss my compatriots at radio tremendously — you have been my community for decades. And my artists — my gorgeous, brilliantly creative, tireless, magnificent artists without whom I am nothing — I hug you one and all. Who knew back in 1988 when my old college pal, Danny Buch rang me needing a secretary at Atlantic (they were ‘secretaries’ then), and I said, ‘The home of Led Zeppelin? Are you kidding?? Sign me up!” that it would become a long-ass career of working at the greatest record label in the world (thank you, Ahmet). Luck and serendipity play a part in the life of every person.”

In conclusion, Lea said, “I’ll be at and 917-488-0993 starting on Thanksgiving, and I’ll be glad to take a break from Charles Dickens to chat!”

Rock Goddess Lea Pisacane Retiring