Theatrical Upgrade For Warner’s Kurt Deutsch

• Grammy-winning industry exec Kurt Deutsch has been named to the newly created post of Senior Vice President, Warner Music Entertainment & Theatrical Ventures. In his new role, Deutsch will oversee the development of new theatrical productions and investments, while continuing to be a connector with songwriters, artists, and catalogs through collaborations with Warner Chappell Music and the various Warner Music Group labels.

Deutsch, who has been with WMG since 2017, remains based in New York and will now report to Charles Cohen, President, Warner Music Entertainment (WME), who said, “Warner Music Group has long been an avid supporter of musical theatre, and I’m very happy to be expanding WME’s scope by bringing Kurt into our division. The theatre world is a dynamic, thriving arena that perfectly dovetails with our burgeoning film and TV ventures. Kurt is highly respected throughout the theatrical community, and his deep experience, brilliant creative instincts, and invaluable relationships will be pivotal as we continue to expand our IP development, investment, and production. We’re looking forward to all the compelling projects and new opportunities that he’ll be spearheading under the WME banner.”

Deutsch is well known as the founder of Sh-K-Boom/Ghostlight, the multi-Grammy Award-winning theatrical music label that he launched in 2000. Joining Warner Music Group five years ago, he continued to run the label, while also taking on the additional role of SVP, Theatrical & Catalog Development for Warner Chappell Music. With Deutsch’s move to WME, Ghostlight will continue as an industry-leading force in musical theatre recordings as part of WMG’s Arts Music portfolio of labels.

Deutsch noted, “I’m excited to be able to build on my work at both Ghostlight and Warner Chappell by joining Charlie and the team at WME. The musical theatre space today is filled with more incredible talent than ever, from powerful new songwriters and performers to outstanding book writers and lyricists to innovative directors and producers. I’m looking forward to helping create, develop, and market new shows and productions that will inspire and enthrall audiences across the globe, while building a timeless repertoire of modern classics for the Warner family.” [Photo courtesy of Warner Music Entertainment]

Theatrical Upgrade For Warner’s Kurt Deutsch