Westover On The Loose!

• Industry veteran Rich Westover has exited his position as Shazam’s Head of Music Data Services, and is now seeking his next opportunity.

In a statement, Westover (pictured), said, in part, “I joined Shazam in 2016 to grow its music data into a sustainable business. During my tenure, I increased worldwide awareness and demonstrated to our partners its valuable insights. With that accomplished, I’ve decided to explore my next challenge. As I move on, I am forever grateful to everyone at Shazam for their support. I wish the team all the best!”

Westover previously spent 16 years with Universal Music Group, the last 11 as VP of Promotion/A&R/Digital Research, Information Systems with Island Records/Def Jam Recordings. Before that he served as Director of National Promotion/Airplay & Research for Island Def Jam. Westover originally broke into the music business in 1996 as Nat’l Promotion Coordinator for Arista Records.

Looking ahead, Westover can be contacted at 917-627-9364 or rswestover@gmail.com.

Westover On The Loose!