Andrew Curran’s 2020 ‘Open Letter To Radio’

• The coronavirus pandemic has already achieved what an invading army would never have dreamed possible — overrunning America and bringing our economy to its knees in a matter of days. Against that backdrop, Andrew Curran, President & COO of DMR/Interactive has penned his fifth annual Open Letter to Radio. Curran usually times his missives to coincide with Labor Day, radio’s unofficial holiday, but, given the unprecedented set of circumstances we are collectively experiencing, he decided to accelerate his timetable.

Curran said, “There’s a global crisis on the scale of a modern world war and it’s forcing people to stay home and impacting listening levels. Radio has nothing to apologize for — the backbone of radio listening and the backbone of our economy are one in the same — the American worker.” He continued, “Radio is trustworthy and local — two essential attributes in this public health crisis. Our ability to provide reliable updates every quarter-hour is an essential part of our story.”

In conclusion, Curran said, “We must tell our story with confidence and conviction.” You are urged to take a few minutes and read the full version of Curran’s Open Letter To Radio, which is posted online.

Andrew Curran’s 2020 ‘Open Letter To Radio’