Go Ahead… Ask Alexa

• Benztown will market and distribute “Ask Alexa,” a new daily episodic short radio feature from Tracy Johnson Media Group, those same fine folks who created “Tough Love With Siri,” which is also available through Benztown.

“Ask Alexa” is a customizable radio short for stations of all formats and market sizes, and is designed for stations to produce as an interactive segment with station talent. Alexa’s response to a daily life advice question from station talent is unexpected and funny. Tracy Johnson, President of Tracy Johnson Media Group said, “It seems like smart speakers and digital assistants are taking over our lives. And now ‘Ask Alexa’ dishes out hilarious life advice that sometimes hits a little too close to home. Research proves that funnyis the No. 1 thing listeners are looking for in the morning. And ‘Ask Alexa’ brings the funny every weekday.”

“Ask Alexa” is written and produced by Brian Moote, actor, comedian and morning co-host on KAMP (97.1 AMP Radio)/Los Angeles. Stations are provided with scripts so that local on-air personalities pose the questions to Alexa to the responses provided in Alexa’s now-ubiquitous voice. The result is a short, hilarious interaction with your air talent. Moote said, “I love being able to write and produce content for other morning shows that allows their on-air talent to shine in a fun and engaging way and also opens good discussions about whatever take Alexa has on a given topic.”

“Ask Alexa” is available to stations weekdays for just $99 per month or for barter through Benztown. For more information and to hear a demo, visit benztown.com/programming/ask-alexa. To get “Ask Alexa” in your market, contact Benztown’s Masa Pattersonat mp@benztown.com or 818-842-4600.

Go Ahead… Ask Alexa