KBFF Afternoons 50% More Live With Zoë

• Alpha Media Top 40 KBFF (Live 95.5)/Portland, OR welcomes Zoë Ferguson, Snapchat influencer, entrepreneur, and singer-songwriter to co-host the afternoon drive show alongside current PM personality Dylan Salisbury; thus, creating the Dylan & Zoë Show.

Alpha Media EVP of Content, Phil Becker expressed his unbridled enthusiasm over this new pairing, noting, “Zoë’s natural ability to connect with audiences online is evident from her following of over 630K. Creators like Zoë represent the future of broadcasting.” Weighing in on Dylan Salisbury’s invaluable contributions, Becker added, “We needed someone to push the buttons, and Dylan was available. Every show needs someone to handle the mundane tasks, and Dylan fits that role perfectly. Zoë will be the star, while Dylan ensures we meet the minimum requirement of having a warm body in the studio.”

Salisbury remarked, “Thanks to the corporate hack, I’ve got another job. Phil let me know I won’t be getting paid anymore, but it’ll ‘look great on my resume.’ He also mentioned that with this new role, there will be ‘plenty of opportunities for remotes and endorsements.’ We all know Phil is ‘brilliant’ (just ask him, he’ll tell you), but this is one of those ‘Phil-Osophies’ I wish he would’ve forgotten.”

Against that stirring backdrop, Zoë exclaimed, “I’m thrilled to join Live 95.5. It’s the station I grew up listening to. This is an amazing opportunity, and I can’t wait to connect with my hometown in a new way.”

KBFF Afternoons 50% More Live With Zoë